FAQ - Black Friday 2023

It's our biggest sale of the year, we wouldn't let you down! This year, if you buy a $100+ gift card for someone else, you'll receive a $100 discount code to use in the future for your own surprise destination vacation!

Black Friday shouldn't be limited to one day because sales make everything more fun. This year, our sale is running from November 21st to November 28th!

As many as you want! There is no limit to the number of gift cards you can buy. Each gift card over $100 will get its own $100 discount for you to use, however keep in mind you can only apply one discount per trip but if you buy three gift cards and take three trips, you can apply a discount to each of the trips!

You will receive an email with the discount within 24 hours of purchase.

No matter how much the value is of the gift card you purchase, you will receive $100. To gift a full trip, you can of course buy a higher amount over $100 but whether your gift card is $100 or $1,000, you will receive $100 for yourself for future use.

Yes, you absolutely can. However you can only apply one discount per trip but if you want to go on the trip together, you can use the discount code and gift card together.

Your $100 discount can only be used by you - it's your prize for being such a great gift giver!

Your gift card has no limitations. It can be used on any trip at any time by anyone and it never expires. The discount code is good for 12 months and can be used on any purchase over $1,750. That amount can be the total purchase amount so can include multiple travelers, etc.

Buy Your Gift Card Here✈